Macspice parallel resistors
Macspice parallel resistors

This result typifies parallel connections. Here, applying KVL reveals that all the voltages are identical: v1v and v2v. It cannot be decided yet, whether the first surface-normal phytochrome species is an intermediate or Pfr itself. One interesting simple circuit in Figure 3.6.3 has two resistors connected side-by-side, what we will term a parallel connection, rather than in series. We conclude that the change in dichroic orientation of the phytochrome molecules inMougeotia occurs during the last relaxation steps of the intermediates on the way from Pr to Pfr.

macspice parallel resistors

This reaction is finished after approximately 30 ms. From here we can find the source current. This leads to an equivalent resistance of 3 k in parallel with 3 k, or 1.5 k.

#Macspice parallel resistors series

At increasing intervals between the red and the far-red flashes, more and more phytochrome molecules turn their transition moments to the Pfr orientation. In this circuit the 3 k resistor is in parallel with the series combination of the 2 k and 1 k. The different parallel current paths leading from one node to another are called branches, and a branch can consist of one or multiple resistors. It follows that resistors in parallel have the same voltage across their respective terminals. C1 0.0 TC2 Second order temperature coeff.

macspice parallel resistors

The parameters available are: Name Parameter Units Default Example TC1 First order temperature coeff. most of the phytochrome intermediates existing in the first 5 ms after the inducing red flash are still oriented parallel to the cell surface, similar to Pr. Resistors are in parallel when they are connected between the same two nodes. The resistor model consists of process-related device data that allow the resistance to be calculated from geometric information and to be corrected for temperature. The results obtained by two different methods indicate that. The time course of the change from parallel to normal was investigated by double-flash irradiation with polarized red and far-red light. In the green algaMougeotia, the dichroic orientation of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) is parallel of the cell surface, whereas the far-red-absorbing form (Pfr) is oriented normal to it.

Macspice parallel resistors